Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Something New

The last time I was in a committed relationship was 2002. Dated my high school sweetheart off and on for 3 yrs up until we broke up at the end of my Junior year. I always get the question, "Why are you single?" A woman with my standards stays single - I can find something wrong with anyone, lol. I've dated many men since that time but nothing materializes into a relationship. Either I'm not fully in it, or we just don't click. Throughout my "drought", there have probably been 3 guys I was truly into - they just happened to be more into other women and/or liars. Needless to say, the trust factor for me with men has slowly deteriorated over the years. My most recent incident has left some pretty deep scars. Invested a year and a half in this man and it all came crashing down on me a few months ago. What's done in the dark does always come to the light. Skeletons never stay hidden. Regardless, I realized I dodged a bullet.

After the heartbreak I've been through over the last 4-5 yrs, I decided I was ready for something new. After my most recent situation, the plan was to be solo for a while - heal and try to find myself again. Interestingly enough, I happened to meet someone who was going through their own heartbreak. I'd already somewhat dealt with mine and things were fresh for my new friend. I'd like to think that I helped ease the pain by speaking from my own experience. We haven't known each other for very long and I'm not one to plunge into things so quickly but I have a good feeling about this. If something feels right, why take my time just because it's what I've always done? If someone is that into me and knows they want a relationship, and I feel the same way, why wait? My new friend is amazing and makes me incredibly happy. I can't remember the last time I was this happy with anyone. Don't know how it happened and how the feelings grew so strong so quickly but I'm not going to fight it. The situation is new for me on so many levels but I'm liking this new place I'm in.

1 comment:

Dr. YoungGiftedandBlack said...

:D I'm happy for you! And I agree you've tried the slow careful way before...might as well try something new ;)