Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Friendship Labels

So here I go again... making yet another attempt at doing this popular new pasttime we call blogging. I've never been great at keeping up a diary so I thought I'd take a different approach this time around. Rather than give a play-by-play of what happens in the day of the life of me, I plan to write about issues/topics that spark some sort of emotions within me.

Anyone that knows me should know that I'm not an outwardly emotional person. The facade can be deceiving. I'm truly a softie at heart and passionate about various things. I've always been very passionate about my relationships - especially those with close friends. I'm frank when I need to be and sometimes when it's not so appropriate. I had a conversation with one of my closest friends last night about the label of "best friends". My philosophy has always been a person doesn't really have more than one best friend. No matter how many best friends you may have there will always be one in particular that you have a stronger connection with. In my opinion, that's an indisputable fact. Some might say I'm wrong for thinking this way, but my thought process has always been different from the norm. Anyway, as we delved deeper into the issue of best friends, I felt that this hole I had already dug myself into was getting larger. Most know who I consider to be my best friend (other than my younger sister), but does it really matter that she is the only person I call 'best friend'? Is it wrong for me to refer to my long-time friends, or even those friends that I've formed a strong bond with in a short period of time, as 'close friends'? I don't believe there are tiers to friendship; however, I do believe that each set of friends serve a different purpose. Because I don't consider mulitple persons my best friends, doesn't mean I think any more or less of them. For me, it's just a label.... that's all it is - a label. It doesn't define our relationships. Our experiences and kinship is what shapes our bond.


Dr. YoungGiftedandBlack said...

so, ok...
1. if it is just a label but if you really felt that way you wouldn't mind giving it to more than one person right?

2. so that sounds like it is more than a label for you which is ok. but if that is the case then you also have to be ok with the other friends feelin a little slighted, right...

3. you say you don't put friends on a rank but it is still important to you that you identify one person as a best friend...kinda sounds like levels

4. but in my opinion I think its ok because that's you and that's how you feel and its your friends and your labels so it should be up to you....however, i'm probably a little biased :}

cherronw said...

I don't have a best friend, I do think it is possible to have more than one. I also agree that there are different levels of friendships and sometimes a friend could be on a high tier but due to time or situations they can move to a lower one.