Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What's Your New Year's Resolution?

Disclaimer: I wrote this two weeks ago but didn't want to bombard everyone with blogs last week so I waited until this week to send.

Throughout life we go through a series of transformations triggered by some sort of event or situation. A period of introspection follows the event or situation that causes one to feel a change is needed. That change is either physical, mental, spiritual, or directional in nature. An event that usually initiates a desire for change is the beginning of a new year. For many, a new year means a new beginning. Millions of people make new year resolutions each year in hopes that they can start over and do things differently. The change might be as simple as making an effort to attend church service more often, or as complex as figuring out one's life ambition. If one follows through with that change, some sort of transformation is inevitable. I usually don't make New Year's resolutions because I never keep them. They're usually a string of unrealistic statements that I forget about a month later. A day or so after Jan 1st, I was reflecting on my life and realized that I need to make some changes so I felt compelled to make a short list of realistic resolutions for 2009. The over-arching theme here is self-improvement.

1. Be less critical of others decisions and situations
On a few occasions during the past year I was told that I'm judgemental. I was taken aback the first time I heard it but soon realized that I am indeed judgemental, though I feel critical is a better description. I know all of my friends can attest to me being very opinionated about their situations with men. That might be an understatement, lol. It's just me showing that I care and don't want them to get hurt. Regardless, I know I need to step back and let each person do what they feel and not give my two cents all the time. So in 2009, I promise to try my hardest to keep my opinions to myself no matter how I feel about one's choices. If you catch me slipping up just remind me of my New Year's resolution :)

2. Strengthen my relationship with God
If you're a religious person, this is probably something you're constantly working towards. I go to church every Sunday and have always lived my life by a certain moral standard - trying to do what is right in the eyes of God. These things are all well and good but there's so much more to building a relationship with Him. Reading the Bible daily and trusting in God wholeheartedly will help fortify my relationship with Him. There's a gospel song that was released early last year by Kansas City native DeWayne Woods titled, "Let Go". The premise of the song is to trust in God and believe in His will. No matter what your circumstances are, let go and let God have His way. Letting go is an ongoing struggle for me but I know it's essential to strengthening my faith. Learning not to lean on my understanding and acknowledge the Lord in all I do is a step in the right direction.

3. Evaluate relationships
We all are guilty of holding on to friends, exes, romantic interests, acquaintences because we're afraid to let go. I've mentioned this in other posts but people are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Most people you come in contact with will probably fill the first two categories. Once a person's reason is gone or their season is up, it's time to move on. In 2009, I'm letting some relationships dwindle and putting more effort into those with persons who remain loyal.

So what's your new year's resolution(s)?


Nourisha said...

don't make resolutions but i vow to learn three new things every year. this year it's snowboarding, kayaking and sewing. that should keep me busy. i also plan to live on a budget so i can travel somewhere tropical this year and i want to improve my relationship with God because it's been weak lately.

Dr. YoungGiftedandBlack said...

just to comment:
Resoultion #1 - a GREAT one and you were very guilty of it last time we talked missy ;P
Resoultion #2 - you are right again, going to church does not necesarily make you spiritual (although it should) many times it just makes ppl more religious which is a set of often times man-made rules that we use to help make doing God's Will into a cut and dry, black and white situation (which is easier to follow and judge ppl against) instead of the gray area that it really is.
And #3 - I think is also great, just wondering what relationships you are letting go this year...

I don't make New Year's Resoultions usually because I forget them and that's the end of that. but I do spend time reflecting on the past year and contemplating where I want to be by the next new year. I'm working on making my life more transparent so that ppl can see less of me and more of Jesus in me, increasing the frequency of my communication with my siblings and improving my clinical skills for my profession

Chev said...

Sounds like good stuff Nourisha. Maybe I'll take up some new hobbies this year. I want to learn how to play piano and guitar (Brandy was my inspiration on guitar).

And Brandy, I wasn't really judging your situation when we talked. I was just making comments under my breath that I'd make towards anyone who had a man. It's just jealousy because I don't have one :)